You have to remember, most of the meetings I go to are for my volunteer organizations, not work. Not that work meetings are bad, I like them too, but when the meetings are to discuss things that are important to me, well, I just really enjoy them. I came home from my meeting tonight in a good mood. And it was nice to walk into the house and find the three inhabitants also in good moods. How rare!
The girls were excited, Ron took them to the store and Devon got a new fishing pole and the accompanying tackle supplies - including live worms, oh goody! They're going fishing tomorrow morning and are very excited about it. Fortunately, I sincerely doubt that they'll catch anything big enough that we need to worry about cleaning it so we can eat it. I find it amusing that Devon (thinks she) loves to fish, but absolutely will not eat fish....except for Gorton's fish fillets and a McDonalds Filet-o-fish sandwich. I guess they're both far enough removed from real fish that they're acceptable to her.

Now I just have to ask, is it Friday yet? I think I slept away most of last weekend, so I don't feel like I had a weekend. My own fault, but I could not stay awake. The highlight was going out to dinner on Sunday. Devon had a play-date with a girl she met at religious school, and the parents invited to us to go out to dinner to this cool restaurant with them that evening. I immediately said yes - I love doing what I consider adult things, like going out to dinner with another couple/family. We went to a really interesting restaurant, an Asian tapas restaurant. Devon didn't love what we ordered for her but ate enough of the other dishes that she wasn't hungry when we were done. Aubrey opted not to come, so she had a good time with a friend instead. Glad she did, too, because we all got to enjoy our evening this way.
Aubrey was a little disappointed earlier; she was hoping for a sleepover tomorrow night and her friend's mother said no. She got over it pretty quickly, which is great. They'll have one eventually, just not right now. Both of our girls love having sleepovers. Is this a new phenomenon? Sleepovers from my youth were mainly the special occasion slumber parties, with an occasional one-to-one ratio sleepover. Now it seems to be the opposite, mostly one friend with one friend sleepovers and more frequently, so they're not so special. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just commenting that it'd changed since those long ago days of my youth. Aubrey prefers to go elsewhere, whereas Devon prefers to be here. Aubrey finds it boring here ("there's nothing to do at our house"), but Devon doesn't have that problem and always manages to find something to destroy, I mean play with.
It's nice right now, both girls are sleeping in their own rooms. It just sort of happened. For a long time, Devon refused to sleep upstairs and insisted on being on the couch in the living room, and then, one day, it was suddenly fine to sleep upstairs again. I'm glad, because I got my living room back. I like to relax on the couch and watch a little tv before going to bed, and the couch is the most comfortable place for me to sit and blog :) Right now, I'm semi-watching Life Below Zero which I find watching a train wreck. I absolutely do not understand how or why people can live this way...200 miles north of the Arctic Circle? Makes me cold just thinking about it! I mean, I watch the living in Alaska shows, not a lifestyle I would want either, but at least I can somewhat understand that choice - the scenery is so magnificent. But around the Arctic Circle there doesn't seem to be a lot of variety of landscape....sort of like a white Florida, I suppose. Well, I take that back - the mountains are really pretty. Anyhow, it's interesting to me to see how they survive and hear their stories. I don't really get hooked into any of their lives, so it doesn't matter to me if I miss episodes, and that keeps me from feeling like a reality show addict. But if I happen to catch an episode I like to watch. It's good to watch it now, too, when it's really hot here. It reminds me why I don't want to live up north anymore. Brrrr.
Plus, I like having other people around. I mean, not 100% of the time, some time alone is welcome from time to time. But, generally, I like to have others around. I know I present as a loner and a grouch (like my Dad, maybe? LOL) but that's just my introverted nature coming out. Maybe that's why I like meetings....meetings I don't have to lead, that is....I get to be as introverted or as extroverted as I want. So, have as any meetings as you want and invite me to them all - I love 'em!