The other day, Devon and I went to the grocery store (aka the I keep dating myself with outdated words?) to pick up a couple of items, and when we got there, discovered that we were thirsty. No biggie, we'll pick up a drink and pay for it with the rest of our purchases, right? So, we walk in and we're in the produce department. There's a big display of an appealing looking drink, not too large or expensive, and Devon and I decide it would just do the trick and we would like to try it. We select 2 cans, opening one (black raspberry flavored) to share while we shop. Devon didn't like it, but I did, but regardless, I didn't really give it much thought as we continued throughout the store. Somewhere along the way, I lost the can (oh, well) but we were just about done when we realized it was gone, so we finished up and headed home. We still have our other can (cherry flavored), yet to be drunk, in with the rest of the food.

What would you think if you saw this display next to the berries in the produce section? Wouldn't you just assume it was a somewhat healthy drink okay to share with your 7 year old?
Anyhow, that one event would definitely not put me in contention for the worst parent award, but it probably puts me into the contest.....
So, Aubrey stayed home again from school today. Did we really think she was really sick still? Probably not. Tired and run down? Maybe. Anyhow, home she was. By the time I got home from work (it's my early day, so it was around 3), she was going stir crazy being stuck in the house. After Devon and her "twin" Isabella finished their homework, they decided they needed to go for a swim. Yes, it was in the 80s (sorry you non-Floridians), but I thought the pool would still be mighty cold. It took some convincing, but eventually I agreed to take them for a short swim before we headed off to volunteer at Second Harvest Food Bank (they love going). Next thing I know, Aubrey is in her swimsuit walking out the door with the pool key. Did I let her swim? Yes, I am ashamed to admit it, I did. After all, I didn't believe she had really been that sick and even if she really had been ill the day before, it was a short-lived stomach bug. How's that for rationalizing? So we all headed off to the pool - brrrrrr! I was right the water was cold - but not too cold for the 3 girls to enjoy about an hour in the sunshine.
So that's 2 steps on the ladder of bad parenthood for me, right? Fortunately not in the same day or with the same child, but I said, is it cumulative? Do you combine kids or is it child specific?
It's always 2 steps forward and 1 step back with parenting. I figure as long as there is love in your heart, you're doing something right. :-)