Theme (sorry for the commercial!)
Anyhow, theme music or no theme music, that title fits today. The good? Actually have a couple of "good" items for you today. Aubrey and I were both ready slightly early, so I got to take her to school today, a rare occurrence. Not that I got to talk to her, we drive a friend as well and me speaking, well that's embarrassing, dontcha know. Of course, my leaving with Aubrey made Devon cry, but we're focusing on the good here, not the bad.
I spent the morning in Devon's class for "Parent Participation Day". I actually went in early and helped her teacher get ready, mostly by keeping the kids occupied while she set the room up. I read 2 Dr. Seuss books to the class and had a really good time - surprising myself, since I don't usually like reading out loud, especially not to a group. And no, I don't care that the group was all first graders, it's still a group. She was so excited that I spent the morning there and she managed to contain herself and behave, which was really nice to see. Of course, when the class went to sing, my phone was dead, so no photos or video. I know, we're still in the good, so enough about the bad!
Next, I got some good news at work...sorry, I'm not at liberty to share yet, you'll have to wait a week or so. Don't mean to be a tease! So I guess that's a bit of all three, isn't it? Good news, bad I can't tell, ugly that I told you there's a secret. LOL
Good food day today. Had time for Starbucks between dropping Aubrey off and arriving at Devon's school. There was a lunch meeting at work that I got to eat from without attending. BONUS! And Ron wanted pizza for dinner. What a day!
Of course, for all the good there has to be bad......taking the morning off, enjoyable as it was, meant a whole day of work fit into a half day of time.....kick it up into high gear and off we go! Some days I feel like a chicken with my head cut off (gruesome, I know, but oh so accurate!). I think I got the important stuff done and at the end of the day only saw one thing left undone that I wanted to get done today. Not too bad, I guess.
And, of course, with my phone dead for the morning, that did mean I missed the call from the school principal about Aubrey's day yesterday. I think she has us on speed dial. And, I'm not sure if this qualifies as bad or ugly.....she's not suspended or even in real trouble, but a phone call from the principal is never good.

Got a beautiful bouquet of flowers from a client today, out of the blue, just for doing my job. Got to love that! The only downside is they're very fragrant, a tad too fragrant for me, unfortunately. I want them at my desk, they are outrageously beautiful (came all the way from Equador!), but the aroma is too much for me. Oh, well. Any ideas on how to solve this problem? I was thinking of spraying shellac or something on them.....
Let's see, what else......oh, wanted to pick up the last couple of boxes of Girl Scout cookies that we still need to deliver but cannot connect with the cookie chair for Devon's troop. We keep totally different schedules it I still have cookies to deliver - now that is ugly!
Started working on our taxes tonight. Who invented taxes anyway? I might have to join some anti-tax militia group or something, because I really hate doing them. And it's not like we're going to get a big refund or anything now that we rent instead of own.... This one is definitely in the "ugly" category.
Devon told me she hates me (now, how many times have I heard that?) because I took the iPad away from her at bedtime. Oh, well. She gave me a hard time about going upstairs, it took about 15 minutes longer than it should have to actually go up one flight, but it was worth the delay because she loved me again by the time we got to the top. Phew! What would I do without my lovebug?
Tried to get Aubrey to take her melatonin tonight. She doesn't get to sleep easily and occasionally she'll take it so she's not up crazy late. She was up really late last night and not happy about it so I thought I had a shot at her taking it tonight. Even a half a pill helps her fall asleep....but no go. Naturally, at 11 she's downstairs complaining she can't get to sleep, she needs the iPad to listen to music to help her relax. Not happening, sorry. No, you're not staying downstairs and watching tv. Mumble mumble you don't care mumble mumble....... I have no idea what she was actually saying, nor am I sure I really want to know, although I do wish I had Aubrey's hearing. She can be in her room with the door closed and I can whisper something to Ron downstairs that I don't want her to hear and we'll hear her voice call out from behind her door "I heard that"..... and she did, too. Her bad hearing just comes into play when we're asking her to do something. She cracks me up sometimes, though. I was trying to get her to pick up clothes, etc (from the lessons the other night, remember?) and she just wrapped her arms around me and said "shhhh, hugs" and every time I started to say something, she did it again. Too cute.
Guess I'll end on an ugly note....I need to go switch the laundry. Ugh! But at least if I do Aubrey will have clean school clothes in the morning. Hey, we're actually ending on a good! :)
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