One of my favorite things about our current house is the pet door leading to the backyard. It's one of those inserts that you put in your sliding doors so the cats and dog can go in and out by themselves whenever they want. So why does my little sweet cat stand by the front door and meow when she wants to go in and out? To top it off, she doesn't like to drink from the water bowl, either. She likes to have water poured for he o she can lap it up as it comes down, her own private waterfall.
She actually used the door a lot when we first moved here. Aaah, freedom! The animals were finally not dependent upon one of us opening and closing doors to let them in and out. Obviously, that novelty has worn off. I think she was a very rich person in a past life who had a butler to open doors for her and kitchen staff to prepare her meals and have constantly flowing water for her. You know what they say, dogs have owners, cats have staff. So true!
I know the dog is happy. She constantly goes in and out, up and down, roaming all over the place. You can practically set your watch by her, too, when she out to bark to the othern dogs in the neighborhood at 10 each night. She goes other times, too, but 10:00 is her favorite. She goes out a few times a night. How much can the dogs have to talk about every night? I went to the dog par today, I got a treat, nobody walked me, I hate baths, my breath is bad but no one brushes my teeth.???? Cats are so much easier than dogs!
Don't get me wrong, I love our dog. But if we didn't have a dog, I'd be perfectly happy. I am a cat person. Fortunately I have Ron to stop me from becoming that crazy cat lady, because I have a hard time not taking them all home with me.
I do not understand how anyone can not like cats. There are so any different breeds and personalities, you are bound to find one that suits you. They all have such unique personalities. I would never buy a pure bred anything myself, I'm all about rescue, but I do so like the ragdoll cat - it's so relaxed when you pick it up it goes limp like a ragdoll. How sweet is that?! Our cats used to be more laid back and affectionate. They'll be that way again next weekend when we're all here without ..dun dun dunnnnnn... the dog. She's being boarded for a brief time and the cats are not going to know what to do when they have the house to themselves. Desi, especially, will be thrilled as he is the one that Bella the dog most terrorizes. I think that Bella things Desi is a puppy or small dog. She goes into play mode, but up in the air and tries to nip at his neck, the way he plays with dogs at the dog park. Desi, being a cat, doesn't communicate that way. Butt up with a cat is not usually a good sign. So, I'll miss Bella until we get her back, but I'll enjoy having affectionate cats while we wait.
Devon is ready to get a new pet. She is supposed to be the one to pick out the next pet we get, since she's never picked one out. Aubrey picked out 2 of the cats, and both girls have conveniently forgotten that they had input on adopting Bella and if if either had said she didn't want this dog we wouldn't have gotten her. can take herself out any time she wants to go. [3] at the slightest threat that we might get rid of the dog. I'd say that 90% of the time Devon would easily give up Bella, especially if it meant she got to pick out her own animal....a bunny, no a puppy, no a kitten, no a chinchilla, no a bird (that's the animal choice du jour). I'm not planning on getting rid of any of my pets anytime soon, though. Sorry, Dev, sorry, Dad.
Aubrey claims Bella as her dog under certain circumstances: [1] to aggravate her sister [2] to avoid doing a chore or going to bed or taking a shower (can't take a shower now, I have to walk Bella, can't put away my laundry, Bella needs to go out). Of course, while Bella does love to go for walks, she

When she was young, we used to joke that Aubrey was always shopping for a new family. She's never met a stranger and makes friends pretty easily. We are always finding her leaving us behind and joining a new family group.....hmmmm. Well, Desi has done that - he LOVES the guy next door. He is a super nice guy, but it is so funny how Desi will just walk right into his house, make himself at home. And our neighbor loves Desi - in fact, Desi is the only cat he likes.
We do have great cats....great pets, really, but I think we have the best cats anywhere, and no one will ever convince me otherwise. Except maybe that meowing tortie that is constantly demanding we wait on her. .... nah, I probably love that one the most.
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