Not that global warming is a bad topic to be concerned about. It definitely is, and I try to do what I can,, in my lazy, cheap way, to, well, do what I can. ETs, not so much.
Been enjoying my Fitbit that I got for Administrative Professional's Day. Yes, I know it's a Hallmark holiday, but if someone wants to give me an awesome present, who am I to refuse? I think they want me to get healthier, what do you think? It is fun, and I do think it will encourage me to walk a little more.....just to see the lights go off. Devon can't wait to see the flash - and by accident she discovered that if you tap the Fitbit it lights up, so I have to be constantly on guard around her now so she doesn't keep tapping on it.

We're in the final month of school now. I can't believe it! I think we have the summer mostly planned out. I am so appreciative now of the fact that my mother didn't work when I was young enough to have to go to camp. I loved being able to do as I pleased all summer long. For me, that mostly meant riding my bike, swimming and reading. And reading. And then again reading. I probably read 20 books a week over the summer when I was in middle and high school. I wish I could do that now! Now I'd be thrilled to read one book a week at any time. And of course the weather was so glorious....upstate New York in the summer is so wonderful. It's why I can't go visit my family then - makes me want to move back....which I would regret come November, I am sure.
Well, unfortunately for my daughters, they do not get the luxury of a lazy summer. Aubrey is probably old enough that she could stay home by herself, but she would be bored and the trust level for what she would be doing by herself all day every day is not there. Maybe next summer. Devon has a long way to go before she gets to stay home alone for any length of time, poor baby.
Anyhow I try really hard to find them things that they will enjoy for the summer so they get to actually have fun and feel like they got a break from school. Aubrey has been talking about going to New York for part of the summer, but we have not made any arrangements for that yet either to Ron's mother or to my family. And, of course, Devon wants to do that trip as well. Not happening! Maybe in a few years. Aubrey was 11 the first time she went to New York without us.
Of course, the bright side of a NY trip means no sibling battles, but Devon missed Aubrey terribly last year, so it negates the good by having a sad little sweetie here. So we'll have to wait and see how the summer pans out.
Anyhow, my wonderful movie ended and Ron put on some Scyfy channel fantasy movie that just isn't the same, so I'm going to turn the tv off and go to bed. If it's not a serial killer or natural disaster, it's just not for me!
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