Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The choices we make

I was going to say that I don't understand how Ron can watch The Matrix and the Bourne movies to help him fall asleep, but then it occurred to me that I watch Criminal Minds, so who am I to talk?  I'm trying something different tonight, watching The Voice while I let my mind run free and my fingers type whatever they feel like excuse the typos!

I think The Voice is so much better than Idol (don't shoot me!).  When I've seen Idol I'm always amazed that the judges like the performances...I've actually cringed and thought there's no way this person can stay on the show, that was awful and then the judges go on and on about how wonderful that person is.  I am so clueless!  On The Voice, I really enjoy the performances and think the people are so talented.  I wish I could sing.  I sing for me, but try not to sing in front of others to spare their hearing.  My bucket list contains singing lessons.

I don't have a huge bucket list, not even a real bucket list, but there are things I've always wanted to do.  I told my 22 year old niece that I envy her in some ways because she's already done, at her young age, things that I've always wanted to do.  Almost makes me want to go back in time....almost, but there's actually not enough money in the world to get me to go back in time and relive my youth!  And if I ever forget that, all I have to to do is look at the world Aubrey and Devon are growing up in, and how they are being forced to grow up so fast, Inappropriately so, and sometimes I feel helpless to battle that.   I mean, look at the biggest movie that is out right now - Divergent.  We read the book with Aubrey on the recommendation of a friend, and I really though it is too old for her.  But she's at that "tween" age (when did 11-12 become its own age group?) and everyone else she knows is reading these books and seeing these we make her not fit in?  I didn't let her see The Hunger Games for a long time, which made her crazy because all of her friends had seen it.

And don't get me started on Devon.  When Aubrey was Devon's age, I think we were still listening to "Wee Sing" cds in the car, not songs with lyrics like "talk dirty to me".  And I doubt Aubrey knew much about the people singing any of the songs she may have listened to, either, as opposed to Devon and Aubrey discussing Justin Bieber's latest tattoo or Miley Cyrus straddling a wrecking ball ("gross" according to Devon).  Aren't first graders still supposed to have some innocence left?  I know second children grow up faster than first children, just by nature of being exposed to the older sibling's world, but Katy Perry shooting whipped cream out of her bra, really?  I don't think I'm even old enough for that!

And what's going on with our schools?  How many different fund raisers can they ask us to support, and they encourage the kids to put so much pressure on themselves and us as parents so that they can "earn" those prizes.  Those damn prizes.  And it's everywhere, it's pervasive, and it's all "made in China" garbage that we wouldn't buy if we saw it in a store but the kids have to have it when they see it in their little fundraiser flyer they bring home. I'll put catalogs out for people at work to look through, and send emails to family, but no one is under any obligation to buy anything they don't truly want.  And I hope - and think - my co-workers do the same.  And the constant fundraisers?  How many times can you ask people to give money and for what causes?  And they are helping make the kids be even more materialistic - do the kids even know what they are raising funds for?  Devon and I had a long talk about the last school fundraiser before she was allowed to ask anyone to sponsor her (jump rope for heart).  Now, it's the Boosterthon - doesn't that raise money for the school?  But they're sneaky this year, and have added in a donation to a Second Harvest program if you raise a certain amount of money.

Fun with potatoes
That's why I think it is so important to have the kids get involved in community service, even at Devon's age. And to be involved at our synagogue also.  We went to Second Harvest tonight, with Isabella (of course) and one of Isabella's brothers, for our monthly donation sorting. Devon would like to go more often, but they only allow children under age 10 to come on special Family Nights, which they typically have once a month. Tonight was potatoes (again), which is an exhausting product to sort and package, but fun nevertheless.  We were at a giant sack with some newcomers to Second Harvest and they asked what else we had done, was it always potatoes?  The girls had a good time listing all of the different things they've done there.  I love taking them, I just wish they made a little more connection to what Second Harvest does....but that will come in time, I know.  I'm actually starting to see glimpses of that happening when we go now, which is great.

Another hopeful sign for me is that Devon is very vocal about something being "not appropriate" for her, using, of course, her standards.  I wish I could convince Aubrey that some of the stuff she watches, and does, is not appropriate for her.  I don't even know how she gets introduced to some of the stuff she wants to watch!  And, I'm sorry, but I really hate funny video shows where you just know that someone had to get hurt in that video, or pranks...what's funny in a prank?  I don't know anyone who enjoys being embarrassed.

So, I will continue to wage my personal battle against today's anti-innocence materialistic culture (not that I'm not somewhat materialistic myself).  So, I'm not sure whether that makes me Neo or Jason Bourne here.....but so long as I'm not one of the sociopaths on my show I think I'm in good shape.

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